Welcome to the Hospice at Glengarda

Welcome to the Hospice at Glengarda
At some point, each of us will live through the sunset days of our lives. If we are lucky, we will gather the people who matter most to us, remember and make final memories, and rely more and more on the tender care of others. We will do as much of this as we can from the comfort of our own homes, and when that becomes too much, the Hospice at Glengarda provides a warm and welcoming place for us and our family members to walk through life’s final journey. The Hospice at Glengarda was built by the people, for the people to serve the people of Saskatchewan.
Our care is focused on the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. The interdisciplinary team includes nurses, physicians, support staff, client care coordinators, pharmacists, social workers, as well as spiritual care and healing arts professionals.
Situated in a quiet residential neighbourhood, the Hospice has fifteen bright and beautiful individual rooms, providing 24-hour care for people requiring full-time, hands-on care in light of advancing, end-stage illness. We designed the space thoughtfully, from private rooms and bathrooms, to indoor and outdoor shared spaces. Residents and families can do their own laundry, can use kitchen, dining room and living room spaces, and can access creative arts studio and multi-faith spaces. A virtual tour of the facility is online at www.closetohome.fund
The hospice is designed for adults requiring end-of-life care in the last two months of progressive illness or disease, focused on meticulous, holistic comfort care. The Hospice at Glengarda is one of several integrated palliative services available in our community. If you feel you or your loved one would benefit from palliative services including hospice care, please discuss with your loved one’s present health care team, your physician, home care or hospital nurse or Client Patient Access Service coordinator and they will make a referral to the Palliative Care Program through the System Flow Coordination Centre (the old ACAL).
* Please note that during COVID, family presence at the hospice will follow the SHA Family Presence Guidelines. Saskatchewan Health Authority Public Health program has indicated that the Long Term Care Guidelines apply to the Hospice.